Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Barry O'Farrell and the Carbon Tax

Poor ol' Baz. Says he opposes the introduction of a $500 impost on NSW voters from Labor's carbon price and starts getting beaten from pillar to post over it.

Having thought it over a little, and remembering something from last year, I can see myself supporting the PM's carbon price AND Baz's position.

Crazy? Maybe. Cognitive dissonance? Not really.

Anyone remember back last year when the so called "Independent" Pricing and Remuneration Tribunal (IPART) decided that NSW electricity prices needed to be increased by 64% over 3 years?

That was around the same time Rudd was trying to get his ill fated CPRS through the Federal Parliament, and part of the rationale behind the increase was due to the CPRS, with some of the increase being used to basically pay for the CPRS obligations of the electricity providers.

Of course, the CPRS died in the Senate (bet big business are kicking themselves over that one now!)...but the price increases were/are still going ahead (if they weren't, you know Keneally would be all over it like a rash to salvage her campaign).

Enter 2011, and Gillard's carbon price. This price would (likely) be imposed on electricity on top of the price increases already being taken by NSW voters. And that's what Barry should be saying as the rationale in standing against the carbon price - we're already paying it, so a price on top of it is being slugged twice.

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